European Youth Chess Championship 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Aeschbacher, Gregoire 1 1
Afonso, Joao Pedro 1 1
Aghazaryan, Albert ½ ½
Aghoyan, Gevorg 1 1
Alessi, Clio 1 1
Ari, Yigitcan 1 1
Artemov, Andriy 1 1
Arun, Nitish 0 1 ½ 0 1 ½ 0 ½ 0
Arun, Rahul 0 0 0 0 + 1 ½ 0 ½ 3
Baghirov, Orkhan ½ ½
Barnes, Oliver 0 0 0 1 0 1 ½ 0 0
Bartczak, Korneliusz 0 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 0
Bartzos, Iasonas 1 1
Benci, Jozef ½ ½
Benhadid, Jeilynn 0 0
Biro, Csilla 1 1
Blokhin, Sofia wf 1 1
Bokhnak, Timofey c 1 1
Bourg, Nicolas ½ ½
Ceyhan, Mert 1 1
Chanturia, Giorgi Mal 1 1
Chendighilean, Anna 1 1
Chichinadze, Anastasia ½ ½
Dayal, Samar 1 1
Derlich, Sarah Sima wc 1 1
Dieguez, Novoa Laura ½ ½
Eiriksson, Theodor 0 0
Escudero, Ribo Eloi 1 ½
Esmer, Kemal ½ ½
Fitz Jonathan, David ½ ½
Fuentes De Nova, Sebastian 1 1
Gibala, Adam 1 1
Govoreanu, Matei ½ ½
Gu, Austin 0 0 0 + + + 3
Gungor, Cihan Akif 1 1
Hakkinen, Aleksandr 0 1 0 1
Hallmundarson, Birkir ½ ½
Heidarsson, Mikael Bjarki 0 0
Hornacek, Tomas 1 1
Ibraimov, Efe 0 0
Iliev, Stoyan 1 1
Jackson, Edward c ½ ½
Jevremovic, Filip ½ ½
Juhanak, Daniel ½ ½
Kalandadze, Mariam 1 1
Kanacki, Vuk ½ ½
Kanana, Ziad ½ ½
Karaivanova, Petya wf 1 1
Katsanis, Vasileios Dim 1 1
Kazimzade, Mahammad ½ ½
Kiszkiel, Oskar 1 1
Konstantinides, Savvas ½ ½
Kopecka, Anna 0 0
Kostyukovich, Ivan 0 0
Kotliar, Anfisa 1 1
Kovacic, Jakob 0 0
Kovacikova, Simona 1 1
Krajnc, Maksim 1 1
Kroulik, Vaclav ½ ½
Kvaloy, Aksel m 1 1
Lackova, Ludmila ½ ½
Lahl, Sophie 1 1
Langmaier, Michal ½ ½
Lappalainen, Eemi 0 0
Lapushnian, Maya ½ ½
Lavrencic, Matic f ½ 1
Leitgeb, Julian f 1 1
Li, Stella 0 1 0 + ½ 0 0 ½ 0 3
Liu, Jason 1 ½ 0 1 1 ½ 0 ½ ½ 5
Liu, Murray 0 ½ 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 3
Lyakh, Vasiliy ½ ½
Macakova, Bianka 1 1
Martinkovic, Adam 1 1
Martirosyan, David 0 0
Medovoy, Yaniv 0 0
Mence, Eline wf 1 1
Mosurovic, Milena 0 0
Moysidis, Anastasios ½ ½
Mueller, Konstantin 1 1
Nagornii, Daniil ½ ½
Navoyan, Gagik 0 0
Nehybka, Jakub 0 0
Nordahl, Christine 1 1
Nunes Goncalves, Beatriz M. A. C. 0 0
Olenik, Campa Rudi f ½ ½
Paunescu, Aida 1 1
Perea Fruet, Federico 1 1
Perea, Fruet Alba 1 1
Pereira-Davoine, Alana 1 1
Perossa, Nicolas f 1 1
Plard, Axel 0 0
Ptaszynski, Szymon 1 1
Puskas, Mihaly 0 0
Putar, Lara 0 + 0 1 0 0 1 ½ 1
Putar, Lorena 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 3
Radulovic, Filip 1 1
Reyansh, Keshav 0 0
Saxena, Reyansh 0 0
Serrano, Almendros Angel f 1 1
Sheahan, Ben ½ 0 0 1 1 0 ½ ½ 0
Sheahan, Gavin 0 0 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 4
Sikorova, Jana 1 1
Siles, Jan ½ ½
Smeets, Kobe f ½ 1
Smetana, Peter 1 1
Snedker, Oliver Kaehne 0 0
Solbu, August ½ ½
Speerli, Maria ½ ½
Spirkova, Marija 1 1
Stagno, Milena 0 0
Stepankova, Linda ½ ½
Stichter, Constantin Paul 1 1
Szakmary, Domonkos 1 1
Taranowicz, Michal ½ ½
Tatvidze, Davit 1 1
Toledo, Hillel 0 0
Tolmaceva, Alona 1 1
Torres Rebolledo, Victor 1 1
Toumpakaris, Grigorios Emmanouil 1 1
Trunz, Tamila 1 1
Tsakonas, Konstantinos 1 1
Valente, Sofia ½ ½
Vashchenko, Diana 0 0
Velkoska, Ivana 0 0
Venkatesan, Kavin 1 0 ½ 1 1 ½ 0 ½ ½ 5
Veverka, Vladimir 1 1
White, George 0 + ½ 0 ½ 0 + ½ 0
White, Nicole 0 + 0 ½ 1 0 1 ½ ½
Yankiv, Bohdan 1 1
Yu, Ai Tong 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ½ 0
Zaccaria, Noa 0 0
Zadrapova, Amalie 1 1
Zelbova, Lada wf 1 1
Zivic, Luka ½ ½
Zlobina, Maria 0 0
Tournament European Youth Chess Championship 2024
Start Date 2024-08-22
End Date 2024-08-31
Rounds 9
Reported 2024-09-05
Reporter John Loughran
Status OK
Stage Rated
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Next The City of Dublin 2024 Challenger
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